Friday, June 11, 2010

Conference in Maine

I spent the last week in a Gordon Conference on Natural Gas Hydrates in Maine. It took place on the Colby College campus, which is a small liberal arts college near Waterville. The campus was nice, and the food served at the dining hall was good. The dorms were so-so, but not bad.
I met a lot of people and learned a lot of new things related to my research. I also presented what I've been working on recently, and many people were excited about my results. All in all, I had a great time. Some of the activities that I got a chance to participate in while we weren't in lectures or listening to presentations were kayaking and taking a long walk into town to check out a farmer's market. I also relaxed next to a small pond/lake on campus and watched the clouds roll by. I saw a sun dog twice (a rainbow in the clouds)! Once from the campus, and once from the plane in the sky when I was heading home. On the last day of the conference, we all had a lobster dinner, where we were each served a 1.5 lb lobster. Mmmmmm. Here are some pictures:

Kayaking at Camp Tracy YMCA camp.

Jenn 6.10.2010
Me at the farmer's market in town (Waterville, ME).

Lobster Dinner
The lobster dinner. Yummy!

Sun Dog
You can't see it very well, but this is a picture of the sun dog I saw before I landed in Houston.


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